Can Computer Vision Syndrome Be Reversed?

In the digital age, an enormous number of people are finding themselves spending countless hours staring at screens. Whether it's working on a computer, scrolling through social media on a smartphone, or binge-watching shows on a smart TV, our eyes are constantly exposed to digital screens. Consequently, a considerable number of people experience a condition known as computer vision syndrome. But what is it, what causes it, can it be reversed and how can we reduce symptoms?


What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome is a condition characterized by vision problems and eye discomfort caused by continuous use of digital screen devices. The American Optometric Association defines it as the complex of eye and vision problems related to near work that are experienced during, or related to, computer use. It's a modern-age condition that's becoming increasingly prevalent as our reliance on digital devices grows.

When we use digital screens for extended periods, our eyes have to focus and refocus constantly. They move back and forth, and the brain has to process a barrage of characters and images. This high visual demand causes a level of strain that our eyes aren't naturally built to handle, leading to computer vision syndrome.


What Are the Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome?

The causes of computer vision syndrome are multifaceted. One of the primary reasons is the prolonged use of digital screens. When we continuously stare at screens, we blink less frequently, which can lead to dryness and irritation in the eyes. Additionally, looking at digital screens for a long time without taking breaks can cause fatigue in the eye muscles.

Another major cause of computer vision syndrome is poor lighting. Working on a computer in dim light or under harsh fluorescent lights can cause strain to your eyes. Additionally, if you're using a computer where the screen is much brighter or much darker than your surroundings, it can contribute to eye strain.


Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

The symptoms of computer vision syndrome can range from mild to severe, and they usually increase with the duration of digital screen use. Symptoms include blurred vision, dry eyes, eye strain, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain. These symptoms may also be accompanied by difficulty focusing, sensitivity to light, and discomfort in the eyes.


Can Computer Vision Syndrome Be Reversed?

The good news is that computer vision syndrome can be reversed. The effects of computer vision syndrome are not permanent and can be reversed with changes in your routine and habits. However, it's important to remember that each person's case is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's always advisable to consult with a professional for personalized advice and treatment.


Exploring Methods to Reduce Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

There are numerous ways to reduce the symptoms of computer vision syndrome. One of the most effective is following the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This will give your eyes a much-needed break and reduce strain.

Another method is to adjust your workspace to be more eye-friendly. Ensure that your screen is at eye level, so you don't have to strain your neck or eyes. Adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen to match your surroundings. Use a glare filter if necessary.

Additionally, regular eye exercises can help reduce eye strain. Simple exercises like blinking, rolling your eyes, looking far away, and then close up can help keep your eyes healthy and reduce symptoms.


Professional Help for Computer Vision Syndrome

While these home remedies can be quite effective in reducing symptoms, it's crucial to seek professional help if your symptoms persist. Optometrists are well-equipped to diagnose and treat computer vision syndrome. They can provide you with personalized advice and treatment plans to alleviate your symptoms and prevent further harm.

Professional treatments may include prescribing corrective lenses designed for computer use, conducting vision therapy to address underlying eye coordination problems, or suggesting changes in your work environment to reduce eye strain.



Computer vision syndrome is a prevalent condition in our digital age. Understanding what it is, recognizing its causes and symptoms, and knowing how to reduce symptoms is crucial. The good news is that it can be reversed with appropriate measures and professional help.

To learn more on computer vision syndrome, visit Family Vision Solutions in our Spring, Texas, office. Call (713) 349-0224 to schedule an appointment today.