
Family Vision Solutions Blog

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Who is a Good Candidate for Ortho-K? Eligibility Criteria and Considerations

Orthokeratology, commonly referred to as Ortho-K, is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that uses specialty contact lenses to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Unlike traditional contact lenses that are worn during the day, Ortho-K lenses are worn overnight while you sleep.

Recognizing Common Eye Emergencies: Symptoms and Signs to Look Out For

An eye emergency is any situation involving your eyes that requires immediate medical attention. Whether it's an injury, infection, or sudden change in vision, understanding the urgency of these situations is crucial.

Is 7 Hours of Screen Time Bad for Eyes?

Whether you're working, studying, socializing, or even relaxing, you're most likely looking at a screen. This increased usage of digital devices has given rise to a new concern: screen time. But have you ever stopped to wonder what all this screen time could be doing to your eyes? More specifically, is spending seven hours on screens bad for your eyes?

Can Computer Vision Syndrome Be Reversed?

In the digital age, an enormous number of people are finding themselves spending countless hours staring at screens. Whether it's working on a computer, scrolling through social media on a smartphone, or binge-watching shows on a smart TV, our eyes are constantly exposed to digital screens. Consequently, a considerable number of people experience a condition known as computer vision syndrome. But what is it, what causes it, can it be reversed and how can we reduce symptoms?

How Do You Prevent Dry Eyes in the Winter?

As we bid farewell to the warm summer breeze and welcome the winter chill, many of us also start to experience the uncomfortable sensation of dry eyes. It's a common seasonal condition that leaves our eyes feeling gritty, itchy, or burning. For some, it may even cause blurry vision. Understanding this seasonal discomfort and learning about its potential causes is the first step towards prevention and treatment.

How Ortho-K Can Help Slow Nearsightedness in Children

Nearsightedness in children is a prevalent condition that affects a significant number of children across the globe. Nearsightedness is characterized by difficulty in seeing objects at a distance, while close objects are viewed clearly.

Scleral Lenses: What are They and Who Benefits?

Scleral lenses are a type of gas-permeable contact lens that are larger than conventional contact lenses. Unlike regular contacts that rest on the cornea, scleral lenses sit on the white part of the eye, known as the sclera. This design makes them uniquely beneficial for certain eye conditions.

The Importance of Early Detection: When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

As parents, your children’s health will always be a priority. You bring them to the doctor for regular checkups and watch out for signs they need emergency care. But what about their eye health? Having their eyes checked as soon as possible helps detect eye and vision problems early on. So, when should your child have their first eye exam?

Understanding Keratoconus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that affects the cornea, the clear, front part of the eye. This condition is characterized by the thinning of the cornea, causing it to bulge outwards in a cone-like shape.